Mimi Levitt

Mimi Levitt first became aware of environmental issues while attending the North Country School outside Lake Placid, N.Y., where she also learned to ski and found her love of the mountains. She received a B.S. degree in Early Childhood Education from Finch College in N.Y.C., and traveled west after college to ski. While working at the front desk of the Alta Lodge she was introduced to the owner Bill Levitt. Mimi later married Bill, who was the Mayor of Alta for a stunning 34 years.
Mimi first became active in supporting efforts to protect and preserve Alta’s environment when the Town of Alta was threatened by a series of lawsuits. She organized the Alta Defense Fund (now Friends of Alta) which was instrumental in supporting the Town to stave off heavy intrusions of time-shares and condo development in the key watershed area.
Mimi is the daughter of Nickolas Muray, a famed photographer. She and her brother discovered some forgotten negatives of Frida Kahlo after her father’s death, and have reintroduced them through the Nickolas Muray Photo Archives, of which she is the President.
As President of Friends of Alta, she has been a leader in gaining support for acquiring threatened land in Albion Basin. She is also an advisory committee member of Alta Community Enrichment (A.C.E.); previously served on the Alta Fire Department and is a strong skier and photographer. She also enjoys tennis, golf and horseback riding at her get-a-way place in Moab, Utah.
Member since 1981