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Richard Grossen

Membership Information

Become a Friends of Alta Member today!
Help us protect Alta's unique environment, heritage and character for future generations. 

We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your continued donations and support. Over the past year, your donation has enabled us to:

  • Raise awareness about the Little Cottonwood Environmental Impact Study, the importance of protecting Albion Basin, and the watershed.

  • Develop and improve our education program. We have started a Junior Ranger Program and created three new events. 

  • Provide resources to a more diverse audience and the younger generation about the importance of protecting Albion Basin. 

Membership Benefits

FOA Member
Discount on merchandise
X - Depends on giving level
Not Available
Access to member events
Not Available
Early access to FOA Events*
Not Available. Access when it opens to the general public.
Friends of Alta Member Magnet
Not Available
Friends of Alta Annual Calendar
For purchase of $9

* Excluding the Alta Gala

  • Why should I become a FOA member?
    The purpose of Friends of Alta is to protect our natural resources for generations to come. This allows the agency to partner with local, state and national agencies, nonprofit organizations and individuals who share a commitment to conservation. Our mission is to protect and preserve Alta’s unique environment, heritage and character. Your membership supports the operations of FOA, raise awareness about the Little Cottonwood Environmental Impact Study, the importance of protecting Albion Basin, and the watershed, develop and improve our education program, and provide resources to a more diverse audience and the younger generation about the importance of protecting Albion Basin.
  • What are the benefits of becoming a FOA member?
    FOA membership benefits include a membership magnet, access to FOA events, access to member only events, and other perks based on your giving level. * Priority enrollment 1 will be the first round to enroll in a specific FOA event before priority enrollment 2, 3, etc have the opportunity
  • What is the difference between a donor and a member?
    We appreciate everyone that supports Friends of Alta. Your donations, volunteer work, and passionate advocacy fuels our efforts to protect the beauty and integrity of this area for your children and future generations. One-time donations continue to be an avenue for those who want to support our work without dedicating to a monthly or yearly membership plan. Memberships include benefits that have a monetary value based on the member level and priority access to certain FOA events.
  • Is this donation tax deductible?
    Friends of Alta is a non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation, your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our IRS Federal EIN is 94-2856217. Please consult your tax professional for advice. We will send your donation total amount received in that Calendar Year in December. If you prefer to receive a monthly donation letter or the donation amount in a different month please let us know.
  • Can I pay my membership fee through my Donor Advised Fund (DAF)?
    Using a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) is a great way to support FOA, but it can only be used to cover membership costs under specific circumstances. Please check with your financial advisor for guidelines.
  • What does my membership support?
    We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your continued donations and support. Over the past year, your donation has enabled us to: Raise awareness about the Little Cottonwood Environmental Impact Study, the importance of protecting Albion Basin, and the watershed. Develop and improve our education program. We have started a Junior Ranger Program and created three new events. Provide resources to a more diverse audience and the younger generation about the importance of protecting Albion Basin. Provides the operating cost for FOA.
  • When will I get my membership gift?
    Expect your membership gift to arrive 6-8 weeks after registration. The FOA's small staff manages all membership fulfillment, and we appreciate your patience! You will receive your donation letter of your annual contribution in December.
  • Can I cancel anytime?
    Yes, you can cancel your renewal at anytime. Please note that cancelling doesn't give you a refund on your membership dues that have been paid to date.
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10201 East Hwy 210

Alta, UT 84092

Mailing Address:

PO BOX 8126

Alta, UT 84092


Phone Number:


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